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当你准备申请奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的硕士研究生时 在语言病理学课程中,教师们很乐意回答具体的问题 you have.

First read the following:

You may also find helpful information on our Frequently Asked Questions Page .

如果您仍有问题或想与我们联系 mslp-info@4dian8.com .

General Information

365bet 2024年秋季MSLP项目的申请将于2023年10月23日开放. Faculty will begin reviewing applicants February 29th. MSLP计划是一个竞争性计划,并有有限的空间 incoming graduate students. Applicants who meet the February 29th 优先评审日期和满足要求的可能性更大 admitted. In order to be considered in the February 29th priority review pool of candidates, all 申请材料必须在2月29日晚上11:59之前完成th. 申请人的审查将持续到2023年5月2日,或者直到所有名额被填满为止 comes first. 

为了有资格考虑进入365bet MSLP计划,所有申请人 必须拥有当地认可的学院或大学的学士学位 沟通科学与障碍或正在完成的基础 沟通科学和障碍方面的课程,可获得学士学位 that will be awarded prior to matriculation. 

如果申请人拥有不同专业领域的学士学位,他们必须 在秋季和春季完成要求的预备课程. These required courses 无须在申请时填写,但必须在申请前填写 to matriculation. 因此,申请2024年秋季课程的学生可以开始申请 MSLP计划,同时完成秋季-春季序列.  

Admission to the MSLP Program occurs once per year. Students progress through the program with a cohort. 队列模型强调协作和社区 a basis for professional development. Each cohort is comprised of 20 students.

Admission is competitive; meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Admission decisions are not subject to appeal. Applications from one year are not held over to another year. 被365bet MSLP项目录取的学生不能延期 their start date.

MSLP Requirements

  1. Start your application online at 365bet College of Graduate Studies . You will be asked to create an account log in and PIN. Start the graduate application 在发送研究生院和MSLP计划所需的其他材料之前.
  2. Pay the application fee: $45.00 domestic and $55.00 international application fee. 注:军属申请者免收申请费.
  3. 你所有学院/大学的正式成绩单都寄到365bet了吗. Your institutions should send transcripts directly to: gradadmissions@4dian8.com
  4. 提供在美国合法存在的证明(i.e., submit a license or other approved document).
  5. Submit the following program required materials:
    1. 建议申请人的平均成绩至少达到a “B” or a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
    2. All applicants to the MSLP program must submit two letters of recommendation forms to gradadmissions@4dian8.com . 强烈鼓励教师的推荐信,但也可以 来自专业的工作主管或同事,他们可以评估你的潜力 for success in a graduate program. It is required that one of your recommenders hold a master’s or higher degree. Recommendations from family, friends, or other students are NOT appropriate and will not be reviewed. It is recommended that you download the MSLP Recommendation Form 保存可填写的PDF格式,然后将表格发送给您的推荐人. Also, provide your recommender with the email to grad admissions (gradadmissions@4dian8.com ),这样他们就可以直接把你的信交给招生办公室.
    3. 提交一份个人陈述,即你的原创作品 gradadmissions@4dian8.com . 你的个人陈述是一篇1页的单行距的文章,你要解释如何 你已经为研究生院的严谨和时间承诺做好了准备. The essay 还必须描述你认为你将为365bet带来的独特贡献 MSLP program consistent with the MSLP mission.

有关其他资源和说明,请参阅365bet研究生院页面. 在这个页面上,你可以找到研究生院的录取信息 MSLP program.

Interest Days

和我们一起在克拉克斯维尔亲自参观校园和诊所. Meet faculty who are 临床教育工作者,与其他学生互动,了解校园. Pizza party and social September 14 evening.

访问田纳西州听力学家和言语语言协会的MSLP教师 将在奥斯汀佩伊州举行的年度会议上的病理学家 University Campus September 15-16. Ask questions and learn more about the MSLP program.

了解365bet MSLP计划的便利,从自己的家. MSLP faculty 可以回答有关MSLP计划,申请过程的问题吗 and much more.

如果这些日期不能满足您的需求,请安排个人会面和校园参观: mslp-info@4dian8.com.

Other Considerations

鼓励申请人监督他们的申请,以确保所有必需的材料 have been received. MSLP招生委员会不负责通知 the applicant of missing materials.

被录取的学生必须在入学前提供所有成绩单 该计划以可接受的成绩证明所有先决课程的完成情况 (C or better).

365bet MSLP计划与美国语音语言的地位保持一致 听力协会认为,非英语母语的学生或使用方式不同 方言可以有效地为有语言障碍的人提供语音和语言服务 communication disorders. 非英语为母语的学生将被要求 to demonstrate competence in written and spoken English. This can be done by submitting 在一年内取得令人满意的GRE以及托福或雅思成绩 of the date of application to the 365bet MSLP program. The proposed MSLP will require 托福网考成绩不低于114分,分不低于22分 阅读和听力26分,口语24分,写作24分. An overall score of 8 will be required on the IELTS with no band less than 7.0. The TOEFL or IELTS scores 必须与申请一并提交才能考虑覆核.

在录取过程中具备专业的沟通技巧和性格; 以及课前和课间与教师的所有交流和互动 录取,被认为是录取过程的一部分,并可能在录取期间考虑 admission deliberations. Admission may be denied to applicants who communicate or 无论如何,以一种可能被认为不适当或不专业的方式行事 of academic standing.